
Net Immigration Part1

Country Percentage source of immigrants to Canada 1991 Percentage
United kingdom 40% Asia 30%
United states 32% Southern Europe 20%
Southern Europe 20% United kingdom 18%
Northern Europe 4% USA+Central America+Mexico+South America 16%
Russia 2% Caribbean 10%
Asia 2% Africa 6%

1. I think Asia is becoming the number one source of immigrants because its population might be becoming too much for the continent to hold or people want to move to better living conditions.
2. Maybe the rates of immigration from America decreased because America raised its living conditions and became less crowded with a better economy.
year immigration emigration net migration
1960 75000 75000 0
1965 125000 95000 30000
1970 110000 90000 20000
1975 220000 80000 140000
1980 85000 75000 10000
1985 140000 60000 80000
1990 180000 70000 110000
1995 220000 85000 135000

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Last modified: May 13, 2001