
Net Immigration Part2

Year Number of immigrants Historical event
1890 85000 depression
1895 20000 depression
1900 48000 depression
1905 275000 Agricultural Expansion of Western Canada
1910 325000 Agricultural Expansion of Western Canada
1915 400000 Agricultural Expansion of Western Canada
1920 135000 Many New Immigrants after World War 1
1925 110000 Many New Immigrants after World War 1
1930 75000 Stock Market Crash of 1929 - Depression
1935 15000 Stock Market Crash of 1929 - Depression
1940 5000 Start of World War 2 -  no new immigrants
1945 65000 End of World War 2 - more few immigrants
1950 75000 New immigrants after World War 2
1955 175000 New immigrants after World War 2
1960 125000 Poor Economic times for Canada
1965 180000 Good Economic times for Canada
1970 140000 Good Economic times for Canada
1975 175000 Good Economic times for Canada
1980 130000 Poor Economic times for Canada
1985 100000 Poor Economic times for Canada
1990 120000 Poor Economic times for Canada
1995 75000 Poor Economic times for Canada
2000 75000 Poor Economic times for Canada

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Last modified: May 13, 2001