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Toronto Team is
Playing God
I have recently read an article that describes that a Toronto team of
researchers have found a gene that cause other cells to die off, they call it
the executioner cell. I think that this is really great that we as a human race
are starting to learn more about our body everyday and ourselves. They tried to
take this gene out of mice and try to see how it develops and grows, but it did
not pass the embryo stage because some cells have to die off to make room for
newer cells and so that the embryo can develop. This is what I think is wrong
because they are playing god without thinking or researching deeper into this
mater and exploring the human body and how it works. I think that its great they
think that this can stop some diseases but they still do not know how it works
and what other effects it might have, or any thing that it could effect. After
they research that then I will feel much better knowing that mankind is not
trying to play god with everything it sees. I would like to learn more about
this by keeping up to date on any biotechnology news that appears in newspapers
or on the Internet. I will learn more about this and not just assume whatever
they have learned so far about this gene is it there is always more they are
just scratching the surface.