Web Design (free)
I think we design is great and everyone should get into the spirit of it,
it's fun easy and you can share files and information with friends or the whole
Tripod.com - is a great server with FrontPage
The best WebPages that you can make easily are most likely in FrontPage. FrontPage
is part of Office and is probably in your start bar if you do have office. If it
is there click on it and, press file, New Web, and then
press from one of the templates. The Template wizards are probably
the most simplest and fastest. After you are done your site, go to tripod.com
and log into your account (if you do not have an account create one).
After you sign in, click "My Account" at the top of the page,
then scroll down to FrontPage extensions, click on the "enable my
site", after this it will take a while to process. Once it finishes it
say so, after open FrontPage go to your web and press file, publish
web, then type in https://members.tripod.com/youraccountname/ then
press publish at the bottom
Log into your tripod account (if you do not have one just sign up) then click
the build tab from the top of the page and the wizard will guide you through the
That's it, good luck and e-mail us any pages you might have created!